OneCNC Series Updates

This is a history of all OneCNC updates.

You may notice sometimes there can be a jump in version numbers.

This is due to intensive and continual internal testing where we thoroughly test versions before releasing proven functional updates.

To download updates, see our OneCNC Updates page.

OneCNCXR2 8.21

Update OneCNCXR2 V8.21 all versions release date May 12 2007

This update applies to all versions of OneCNCXR2

This means if you have OneCNCXR2 irrespective of type you should install this update.

There has been changes to the DXF import
DXF import has been modified to suit later versions of this non standard 2D exchange file.We continue to find numerous inconsistencies in the output of DXF from various CAD mainly is is not a proper standard but rather a reverse engineered method of handling Autocad DXF files and from there many CAD have their own interpretation and inconsistencies.

Tweaks have been carried out in the other translators also as an ongoing process of enhancing the processing of files.

the Enter dimension function was corrected so that the radius values are now inserted correctly.

Hardware Dongle.
We found that in Japan there is a new or different USB and our new series dongles above 10,000 series would not work on this PC. These ports were found to be now installed on NEC PC's in Japan. NEC are reported to have around 80% of the Japanese market so we had to move fast to rectify this problem. OneCNC having an office in Japan with expert local technical ability we were able to team to rectify this problem. This version has had the logic modified to handle these new NEC USB ports

This update applies to OneCNCXR2 Mill Advantage Professional and Expert only.

The has been a change to Planar toolpath's.
The planar toolpath has been modified and enhanced in the essence of making the toolpathing faster with improved control and viewing. In certain cases it is now many times faster especially on huge files with a fine finish step over with surface tolerance set high.

This first picture below shows the new scanning method to interrogate the model for toolpathing. You will see that is not unlike a laser scan and we also show the extents of the scanning.

You will see now that we only show the progressive scan line of the toolpath being created to speed the operation.

The bottom or third picture shows the temp toolpath shown as we previously see it. It is jut that we do not see the temp toolpath until completed now. Instead we see the scan line.

This next picture shows the scan length to the full size of the part extents which takes nine times as long as the top picture showing the scan reduced to just the cavity size of this model that we are machining with planar.

This new method of scanning shows what you are actually scanning.

This picture shows the temp toolpath after scanning and processing.

We also now show in the bottom message bar the actual percentage of the processing.

This update applies to all OneCNCXR2 Mill Versions.

There has been a change to cut chain constant depth.
There was a modification made in the logic of handling files that may have been imported from CAD that had arcs created or output with reverse directions. There is now evidence of this logic other than you should not see bad chaining that was seen in this geometry in future. Previously we had to copy the geometry in OneCNCXR2 to correct the geometry.

There has been a change in Edit of toolpath
Previous to this version if you edited the toolpath by right clicking in the NC manager to create the edit the temp toolpath did not retain and you were required to use the double click on the function in the manager. This has now been changed so the same action is from both methods. This now means if you right click the function in the manager the temp toolpath will remain until you click in the active window.

This update applies to OneCNCXR2 Profile Express and Profile Professional.

Change to the method of Engraving on Profiler nested Parts.
There has been extensive modification to the method of selecting engraving. This engraving is now selected automatically because as long as it is inside the boundary of the part it is automatically recognized and does not need to be selected. Works in a type of select all method. This is because it is not only for text but also for alignment lines that need to be engraved for later assembly.

The concept is now that once you select the boundary of a part everything inside that boundary is automatically engraved unless selected for hole cutting. If the holes are to be drilled in the case of router and some laser machines the holes now do not need to be selected because that is automatic also. Holes inside boundaries are only selected if they are to be cut rather than being drilled.

This update applies to OneCNCXR2 Wire EDM version

OneCNCXR2 4 Axis function
The 4 Axis function was modified to handle a situation where if certain restriction lines in certain circumstances did not go to end points of entities the cut path was not created and it kept waiting. There is really no change the entities lines of restrictions are expected still to go to endpoints of course but this prevents the permanent wait or maybe crash to stop it.

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OneCNCXR2 8.12

Update OneCNCXR2 V8.12 all versions release date April 5 2007

This update applies to all versions of OneCNCXR2

This is the first release version of OneCNCXR2 designed for the Windows Vista operating system as well as for Windows XP and Windows2000.

Remember before you install Windows Vista and or OneCNCXR2 on your PC run the Microsoft Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor to determine that your hardware is suitable.

If purchasing a new PC be careful about PC's being listed as Windows Vista capable. You should also check Windows Vista Ready PC's. Check here for more information.

Also check the OneCNC Forum because some users already have experiences to offer and there will no doubt be more users as time proceeds.

A special note about the installation of OneCNCXR2 on Windows Vista:

Our experience on installing the retail versions of Microsoft Windows Vista Premium and Ultimate is that the graphic card drivers are out of date on the supplied CDROM compared to what is available from the suppliers on the web. If you have an NVIDIA card for example as soon as you install Windows Vista connect to the web and get the latest graphics drivers before installing any software.

Our experience is that if you do not do this OneCNCXR2 will not run to the optimum it is designed to do. Our experience is that if you load the latest drivers OneCNCXR2 will perform equally as well as on Windows XP with the added advantages that the Windows Vista offers.

This OneCNCXR2 version 8.12 is now suitable for:

Windows Vista 32 or 64 Bit versions
Windows XP 32 or 64 Bit versions
Windows 2000

If you are running Windows 2000 or Windows XP you just need to install this update over your present version of OneCNCXR2.

The transparency display of the file for tracing was removed due to technical difficulties with Vista although the functionality of auto trace is not affected.

First we list the update that applies to all versions of OneCNCXR2

- Totally new Windows Vista compliant graphic engine in all versions.
This graphic engine is Designed for Windows Vista but works equally well in the Windows 2000 or Windows XP 32 or 64 Bit operating systems.

To use the OneCNCXR2 designed for vista we recommend that you do the following.

If using existing hardware prior to installing Windows Vista run the Windows Advisor to check that your hardware is suitable to run Windows Vista.

If purchasing new hardware ensure that it will support Windows Vista and also ensure that you have a good graphics card Nvidia 7 series or equivalent with a minimum of 256Meg of ram on the card.

- New Ability to support Space Navigator 3D device.
The addition of the Space Navigator provides and added tool for the OneCNCXR2 user. This allows All Time Real Time Zoom Pan and Rotate of the model in OneCNCXR2 even while functions are being used or even if there are dialogs open on the screen the Navigator is still functional.

This does not replace the mouse but provides a tool to speed the software for 3D work.

Not only can you control all the dynamic viewing you can click the right device button to set all your preferences of movement and the left button is a "fit all" in OneCNCXR2.

More information on the Space Navigator can be found here.

A special note about the installation of this device:

If you purchase this device it will come with an installation CD in the box. We have found these to be the old drivers and are not suitable. Yo need to go to their web site and download the latest driver for the device.


- New ability to handle True Type fonts in 3D including Test and Dimensions.
This now gives you the ability to use True Type Fonts on all 3D planes. Wherever you place the plane you can now apply the True Type Fonts either as text or dimensions.

- New ability to create PDF of model with dimensioning and or text.
You can now create a PDF including geometry model True Type Fonts and or Dimensions.

- New ability to print from the PDF dimensioned models.
You can now print the model including dimensions and text and or geometry.

-New ability to display True Type fonts either filled or not.
You can now set in Properties> Display> the ability to have outline True Type fonts or Filled style.

-New dynamic rotation view based on center of model
The rotation dynamic control is now based on the center of the model irrespective of the XYZ coordinate position of the model.

-New mouse wheel control on Main Screen Preview Simulation and Rest Robot
You can now set the mouse wheel to Solidworks style and the style is applied to the Main drawing window as well as the preview simulation and rest robot windows.

-Updates that just apply to OneCNCXR2 Profiler
OneCNCXR2 Profiler Professional and Profiler Express there was a correction made to handle multiple tabs.

New ability to have engraving on nested parts. This allows to have geometry or text for engraving on the part for nesting and after nesting all the information is on the nest for it. There is new dialog control for inserting the tool change code and the relevant required for the engraving including depth of engraving.

New ability to have router tabs in the profiler. This allows to have tabs inline with the profile and only lifting partially in Z so that the tab is thinner than the sheet thickness. All the engraving is handled automatically and there is no need for selection.

-Updates that just apply to OneCNCXR2 Lathe
There was a modification in the posting of G71 cycles in OneCNCXR2 Lathe to correct the line numbering due to the added X clearance values being set.
OneCNCXR2 lathe has new simulation where we now have a separate simulation window to comply with Windows Vista graphic requirements.

-Updates that just apply to OneCNCXR2 Mill series
OneCNCXR2 Milling Posts has been modified to have new posting ability added to handle Heidenhain series 200 cycles in all modes of multi axis planes.

Heidenhain cycles requiring feed values without the prefix "F" by using this new ability {-F} a minus in the brackets eliminates the "F" in the cycle feed values.

OneCNCXR2 Mill Drill functions back plot routines were modified to handle the back plot of drilling cycles and apply them to the layer Back plot.

OneCNCXR2 Mill Profile function now setting zero degrees and zero radius does not create duplicate Coordinates in the Posting.

OneCNCXR2 Milling series has new smoothing technology added to the SMT as well as the stock tool paths to assist in eliminating excess code. This has proved to be a boost in efficiency of the machine code as well as a much smoother tool path.

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