OneCNC Series Updates

This is a history of all OneCNC updates.

You may notice sometimes there can be a jump in version numbers.

This is due to intensive and continual internal testing where we thoroughly test versions before releasing proven functional updates.

To download updates, see our OneCNC Updates page.

OneCNCXR2 7.62

Update OneCNCXR2 V7.62 released 18 June 2006.

This update does have New features and some adjustments and refinements to the software.

This applies to all:

OneCNCXR2 Milling versions

OneCNCXR2 Lathe Versions.

This update has been based on user reports and our continuing internal quality control testing.

This functionality is new:

OneCNCXR2 Milling version

Profile function using Machine Cutter Comp.

This now has complete ability for back plot and simulate accurately the machine movements of entry and exit. This will make critical movements of the machine far more visual and accurate to what the actual machine movements are.

OneCNCXR2 Lathe Versions

Lathe Tool Turret position control (Tool Change)

The lathe has a new dialog for the control of this.

The update is now available from the automatic update server.

The Extrude function was added to the OneCNCXR2 Lathe version modeling.

The pitch output in Lathe Threading cycles was modified to accept decimals in the German version instead of commas.

The G71 and G72 cycles were modified to have a rapid move on the first line of the cycle to make for a more efficient cycle move.

The G71 and G72 Cycles were modified yo have the ability just to number the first and last line of the cycle instead of every line. The ability is still also there is every line numbering is required.

The G76 or G92 Threading cycles "I" value was modified to always be a negative value for OD threads and a positive value for ID threads.

The Turn Face function was modified to support G41 Cutter Comp using Left Hand cutters over the back of a boss as an example.

If there is a problem downloading just try again later because the server may be busy and may tell you it can find the file or such.

We still get users jumping on the server to update previous OneCNC versions thinking that there are new features. All previous versions to OneCNCXR2 are finalized and do not receive new features or functionality.

To get the latest technology and you do not have OneCNCXR2 you need to contact your sales office about the OneCNCXR2 because these updates are only for OneCNCXR2.

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OneCNCXR2 7.57

Update 7.57 released June 2006

There is no new functionality in this version above 7.51 however some things have been modified in the sense of keas of use and other revisions to take care of a few operational problems due to the new functionality

Pocketing first pass was adjusted.

Profile single pass is now active.

Many other adjustments were made to clear all reported issues in the new functionality.

Select a tool has had slight changes to the functionality.
When you select a new tool the offsets will always be the same as the tool number.
They will only change if edited manually by the user and then they will get saved for that operation.

If you select a new tool the offsets will then be again the same as the tool and would need to be edited again if a user requires different offsets.

This means if you don't edit your offsets they will always be the same as your tool number.

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OneCNCXR2 7.51

Update 7.51 Released May 3 2006

Update 7.51 has new functionality

What is in this update:

This new update for the XR2 Milling software is the most extensive mid series update in the history of OneCNC. OneCNCXR2 only users have to opportunity to have the latest new technology at no additional cost. If a CDROM is required there is a charge for this as well as an added cost for post and handling. Please contact your sales office if a CDROM is required.

This update is available to all licence user for automatic update checking and will be available from the automatic update section.

We demonstrate here that we do listen to our users and add where possible features requested along with our own continual progressive development in line with the continual introduction of new technology.

Not all the individual requests get added because we have now 10,000 individual systems out there with possibly more than 15,000 individual users and of course we only have one software. This of course becomes a mammoth operation and some times a new feature or function is a trade off for some users to what they like but to many others just what they were looking for.

It is also important as we add functionality that we do not loose the appeal of the software being easy to use. It is easy to add bells and whistles and to make it hard to use but difficult to implement many features while actually enhancing the ease of use.

We do have a loyal band of Beta testers that assist us and it is with their dedicated assistance that we are able to bring to you such a high level of integrity in our OneCNC software.

In essence what this update includes:

New turbo speed for the creation of tool paths very noticeable with large Z level roughing where the speed of creation is from 2 to 10 times faster than previous versions. While this is not listed as a new function it is a dramatic improvement and an exciting one for the power users.
Facing with internal boundaries.

1. Pocketing function has new ability to finish with the same tool as roughing.

2. Pocketing now has separate entry and exit on the finish cut.

3. Pocket functions has ability for finish of the bottom by way of last cut.

4. New ability for independent speed and feed over-ride in pocket finish 

5. Finish feed of the pocket and speed independent to or a percentage of the roughing.

6. Pocket has 3 types of finish at custom levels the roughing levels or the full depth.

7. Profile function has ability to finish with the same tool as roughing

8. Profile function has multiple roughing cuts.

9. Profile has independent automatic entry and exit.

10. Profile has ability for customized finish feeds and speeds.

11. Profile function has finish of the bottom by way of last cut 

12. Profile function with custom finish cuts for finishing handy for tapered profiles

13. Clean Circle function has ability to finish with the same tool as roughing

14. Clean Circle has automatic entry exit of roughing and finish

15. Clean circle function has finish of the bottom by way of last cut

16. Clean circle had taper added now.

17. The finish feed of the clean circle and speed independent to or a percentage of the roughing 

18. Chamfer function includes new independent entry exit to the cut.

19. New construction plane for the screen view plane 

20. New ability in post for drilling to have X Y at first position 

21, New ability to have a tool pre-call in the tool change to call up the next tool ready 

22. New ability in the post for the tool change to have the X Y position before the call for tool length comp New ability to duplicate a group in the NC Manager 

23. New ability to duplicate a function in the NC Manager 

24. New dongle security in readiness for a new dongle series especially made for OneCNC 

25. New Work Shift ability in the NC Manager New Work Shift ability for multi axis where the machine requires the Work Shift to be rotated with the part 

26. New Work Shift control to allow the switching off of the rotation of the Work Shift for the fixed position machines 

27. New Multi Axis ability to handle directional control on the X and Y axis real-time in the post 

28. New ability to control the accurate preview of the real-time machine movements of multi axis 

29. The DNC link has been modified to better suit handling and saving of large files 

30. Extensive additions for 10 languages as well as Unicode support now in the DNC editor.

31. The post G01 can now include the {S} to allow the spindle speed over-ride for finish cuts

32. The Tool selection has been modified to have improved safety logic fir real time selection of the length and diameter offsets and the ability to custom edit these registers.

33. Trunnion support for the various mainstream machines like Haas Hermle DMG Mikron for visual real-time preview of the machine operation.

34. The newsletter link can now be found in the OneCNC Today tab.

35. You can now select extrude surface even though the surface may be part of a solid to extrude the solid.

36. New feature added in the File>Properties>colors> to select a color for the work shift ball indicator.

Plus many other refinements and adjustments not specifically listed here.

Construction Plane

This new construction plane allows for the plane to be created by the current view plane.

New construction plane for the screen view plane is handy for positioning the plane for multi axis work where the area to be machines as viewed is clear from obstructions. This is because you can set the machining plane to the construction plane. This can be done by creating a boundary or an extents surface etc.

SMT Toolpath's
The SMT Toolpath's have been optimized to an extent now that they are from two to ten times faster than previous on large files because we have incorporated new Turbo Technology. This is very noticeable on Z level roughing and finishing enabling the finish tolerance being set tight and still compute in reasonable time.

While this is not listed as a new function it is a dramatic improvement and an exciting one for the power users.

Multi Axis Machining
Multi axis machining now has the ability to have directional control over both the 4th and 5th axis. In the 5 axis mode the main 4th axis can be around the X or the Y axis.

Trunnion Support
Support is now available for all the mainstream machines Haas Micron Hermle DMG to name a few that have been installed in the past few months.

Trunnion models for full simulation preview checking for program integrity have been made available for download from the OneCNC Newsletter service.

Below shows a DMG Trunnion from their DMU50 machine which we have recently installed both on Siemens and Heidenhain machine controls.

Pocket Function

Pocketing function now has ability to finish with the same tool as roughing with automatic entry exit for the start and finish of the finish cut.

New ability in the pocket functions for finish of the bottom by way of last cut.

New ability for independent entry and exit of cut in pocket finish

New ability to customize the finish feed of the pocket and speed independent to or a percentage of the roughing.

The first dialog on the Stock tool Paths there is no change and the selections are just the same.

The next dialog is also the same so there are no new settings to learn here.

The tool selection dialog has a functionality change.

The station number has new automatic safety technology to enable changes in the offsets.

There is no no box for the selection of the tool. The station number either comes from the tool library on selection of the tool or you just type in the station number. The is done this way so that as you enter the tool number the length offset and the diameter offset will be automatically set.

The Correct Method of selecting and setting a Tool
When this dialog appears the first thing to do is select the tool before any other settings.

1. Select tool
2. Select Station Number (length and diameter offsite will change)

Check that the length and diameter offset are correct

3. Select material (unless already set)
4. Select coolant (unless already set)
5. Select work offset (unless already set)

Click Next.

After you have set the tool and offsets it is possible now for you to change the offsets to custom numbers rather than the same numbers if required and they will remain set.

If you edit the offsets at a later time they will stay set.

The set clearances dialog is just the same as before.

Final Z
This is the value in absolute value or the value from the selected geometry boundary of the pocket as defined by tagging the Material Top from Geometry.

Material Top From Geometry
You have the ability to select that the Z value of the pockets is from an absolute Z value or it Z value can be made the same as the selected pocket boundary geometry.

Special Warning Note:
We do also stress at this point the Z clearance plane should always be set above the clamp height or any other obstruction height on the part being machined so that when the tool rapids over the work it will always be in a clearance position for complete safety.

This next dialog shows the new technology for the roughing and finishing of the pocket.

Rough Settings

Automatic Step Over
The automatic step over can remain set once the desired step over is established. The step over for pocketing is normally around 50% although this can be set to your desired amount as long as it cleans the pocket. This can be checked by running simulation and if it is not clean the percentage can be changed without having to reselect the pocket.

Step Over Distance
If you want the step over to be an exact distance just un tag the auto step over and insert the value required into the step over distance box which will not be grayed out once untagged.

Leave For Finish
This is the value for the amount that you are going to leave for the finish cut which will be performed in the next dialog.

SPECIAL NOTE about rough depths:

Rough Depths
This is the value of the actual cut depth and is "not an average depth anymore" but rather the actual cut depth amount.

Last Cut
This is the value of the final cut on the bottom of the pocket which effectively becomes the finish cut on the bottom.

Wall Taper
Wall taper is the actual degrees of taper on the wall of the pocket.

Finish Settings

This is where you set the functionality of the finish. This happens whether or not you have set a value for finish set on the rough dialog settings.

In the rough dialog settings if you set a value for finish it will be applied to the finish. Even if you do not have a value set there it will perform the finish basically as a spring cut.

The finish can be set as:

Rough Levels
This will use the same tool as the roughing and perform finish cuts at the same levels that were used for the roughing therefore it is called Rough Levels.

Bottom Only
If this is used it will perform the finish in one cut at the full depth of the pocket.

Custom Levels
This value you can set at the finish depth that you require. For example if the pocket has wall taper you may set this fine and use a Ball Mill with a small tip radius and make fine depth finish passes.

This picture shows the custom levels

Tool Compensation:

You have 3 choices here

This is where OneCNC will automatically offset the cutter using the radius value from the tool library and is the recommended type of compensation.

Wear (Closer)
This setting uses the automatic offset and applies the offset codes for the machine so that you can have tolerance control of the tool at your machine control for controlling tight tolerances.

Wear (Away)
This setting uses the automatic offset and applies the offset codes for the machine so that you can have tolerance control of the tool at your machine control for controlling tight tolerances.

Special Warning on the use of Wear Closer or Away

When using this feature it must be used with caution and care. It requires that you have a Zero value for the tool diameter in the control because the software is automatically off setting for the tool. The only value that you should need to use at the machine control would be the tolerance amount that you need to adjust by to hold the tolerance size you desire.

Finish Over Ride

Adjust Finish Speeds
If you tag adjust finish speeds it will allow you to use a different feed and speed to that of the roughing.

Tagging the adjust only turns the adjustment ability on. It does not turn on the speed or feed variation. That is turned on by tagging the feed or speed tag box.

If you tag this the boxes will appear as shown. You can either enter actual values for the feed and speed or you can make it a percentage of the original feeds and speeds.

For you to use this function you may have to perform the following.

A new user with a clean installation

You will not need to do anything as the adjustment has already been made to your post.

For Existing OneCNC users
If you are an existing user and have installed this update over the top of your existing software you will need to adjust the post for this action to take place in the posting.

Adjusting your post to activate the Spindle Speed Variation
Just open the post you use and insert the {S} into the G01 Feed Line Format as shown here.

This is where you set your custom feed and speed for the finish profile.

Entry Exit Conditions

This is the last dialog where you set the entry exit conditions. There are separate settings for entry and exit. You can have 3 styles of entry or exit.

This is where you just have a single line entry to the entry or exit

Line Line
This is where you can have Line Line entry or exit which for use in difficult areas to control the direction and method of the entry or exit. The start line length is the length of the first line of entry for which you have a start line angle that applies to it. The second line which is the lead in line also has its own angle control for this line part of the entry or exit. It is recommended that you set this and back plot and view the results until you become confident in the use of it. Any doubt just se line or line arc which is easier to use.

Line Arc
The reason there is a line and arc the compensation if any takes place on this first line before the arc as it is not possible to use the compensation directly on an arc.

This is an added setting to ensure a nice blend of the finish. This should be used with care with difficult pockets and should never be used close to corners or sharp angled edges as the overlap may go past that point. A normal length for this should not be greater than say 5% of the tool radius for an overlap.


The NC Manager has been extensively modified to now include duplication of groups and duplicates of functions

Duplicate Group
To duplicate a group just highlight the group in the manager and click the right mouse button and this menu will appear. Select duplicate group from here and the whole group will be duplicated.

This ability duplicates all the functions within the group and creates it as a new group called Duplicate of the group (name).

Duplicate Operation
This function allows the duplicate of a particular operation.

To duplicate an operation just highlight the function and click the right mouse button and select duplicate operation.

Work Shift
New Work Shift ability in the NC Manager

The new work offset is for 3 axis ability but also suits multi axis ability.

If you do not select the work shift and place it on your part it will work just as it always has done from the cross hairs of the the screen. It is only working if you select a position away from X Y zero. To have it at X Y zero of the cross hairs that's where it is by default and does not show as a ball because it would be turned off at that point.

To use this function just make your toolpath's in the normal way without being concerned where the Zero of X Y is. Then when you post right click the Group in the nc manager and select the work shift and place the work shift on the position of the part where you want it to be the X Y zero position or the Work Coordinate on the machine. By default it will show as a small black ball. If you want the color of this to be customized go to the Properties> Colors> and change the default of black to your chosen color.

This now allows for the part to be positioned anywhere on the screen when programming and the work shift can be used to place the work coordinate of X Y zero on the part.

For multi axis where the machine requires the Work Shift to be rotated with the part

New Work Shift control to allow the switching off of the rotation of the Work Shift for the fixed position machines

Clean Circle Function

New Clean Circle function that has ability to finish with the same tool as roughing with automatic entry exit.

The tool selection dialog has a functionality change.

The station number has new automatic safety technology to enable changes in the offsets.

There is no no box for the selection of the tool. The station number either comes from the tool library on selection of the tool or you just type in the station number. The is done this way so that as you enter the tool number the length offset and the diameter offset will be automatically set.

The Correct Method of selecting and setting a Tool
When this dialog appears the first thing to do is select the tool before any other settings.

1. Select tool
2. Select Station Number (length and diameter offsite will change)

Check that the length and diameter offset are correct

3. Select material (unless already set)
4. Select coolant (unless already set)
5. Select work offset (unless already set)

Click Next.

After you have set the tool and offsets it is possible now for you to change the offsets to custom numbers rather than the same numbers if required and they will remain set.

If you edit the offsets at a later time they will stay set.

The set clearances dialog is just the same as before.

Final Z
This is the value in absolute value or the value from the selected geometry boundary of the pocket as defined by tagging the Material Top from Geometry.

Material Top From Geometry
You have the ability to select that the Z value of the pockets is from an absolute Z value or it Z value can be made the same as the selected pocket boundary geometry.

Special Warning Note:
We do also stress at this point the Z clearance plane should always be set above the clamp height or any other obstruction height on the part being machined so that when the tool rapids over the work it will always be in a clearance position for complete safety.

This next dialog shows the new technology for the roughing and finishing of the pocket.

Rough Settings

Automatic Step Over
The automatic step over can remain set once the desired step over is established. The step over for clean circle is normally around 50% although this can be set to your desired amount as long as it cleans the pocket. This can be checked by running simulation and if it is not clean the percentage can be changed without having to reselect the pocket.

Step Over Distance
If you want the step over to be an exact distance just un tag the auto step over and insert the value required into the step over distance box which will not be grayed out once untagged.

Leave For Finish
This is the value for the amount that you are going to leave for the finish cut which will be performed in the next dialog.

Rough Depths
This is the value of the actual cut depth and is not an average anymore but rather the actual cut depth amount.

Last Cut
This is the value of the final cut on the bottom of the pocket which effectively becomes the finish cut on the bottom.

Wall Taper
Wall taper is the actual degrees of taper on the wall of the pocket.

Finish Over Ride

Adjust Finish Speeds
If you tag adjust finish speeds it will allow you to use a different feed and speed to that of the roughing.

Tagging the adjust only turns the adjustment ability on. It does not turn on the speed or feed variation. That is turned on by tagging the feed or speed tag box.

If you tag this the boxes will appear as shown. You can either enter actual values for the feed and speed or you can make it a percentage of the original feeds and speeds.

For you to use this function you may have to perform the following.

A new user with a clean installation

You will not need to do anything as the adjustment has already been made to your post.

For Existing OneCNC users
If you are an existing user and have installed this update over the top of your existing software you will need to adjust the post for this action to take place in the posting.

Adjusting your post to activate the Spindle Speed Variation
Just open the post you use and insert the {S} into the G01 Feed Line Format.

Tool Compensation:

You have 4 choices here

This is where OneCNC will automatically offset the cutter using the radius value from the tool library and is the recommended type of compensation.

This cutter compensation passes the codes to the machine to allow full cutter comp control over the finish pass. This of course requires you to have the correct registers set in the machine control to handle this correctly.

You need to take great care in reading your machine tool handbook to ensure that you are capable of using any of the tool compensation features.

If you have any doubt whatsoever in using the cutter compensation use the automatic setting. This setting OneCNC will automatically offset for the user.

Wear (Closer)
This setting uses the automatic offset and applies the offset codes for the machine so that you can have tolerance control of the tool at your machine control for controlling tight tolerances.

Wear (Away)
This setting uses the automatic offset and applies the offset codes for the machine so that you can have tolerance control of the tool at your machine control for controlling tight tolerances.

Special Warning on the use of Wear Closer or Away

When using this feature it must be used with caution and care. It requires that you have a Zero value for the tool diameter in the control because the software is automatically off setting for the tool. The only value that you should need to use at the machine control would be the tolerance amount that you need to adjust by to hold the tolerance size you desire.

Facing Function

Facing with islands
The facing function can now have internal boundaries to the facing. It is just a matter of selecting the facing boundary as well as any internal boundaries. This is suitable as long as there are no protrusion above the facing level. If there are protrusions above that need to be avoided it is better to use the Pocket Function.

Profile Chain

Profile Chain Function
New Profile function that has ability to finish with the same tool as roughing with automatic entry exit.

The first dialog as shown here under has not changed this is where you select the profile function from.

The tool selection dialog has a functionality change.

The station number has new automatic safety technology to enable changes in the offsets.

There is no no box for the selection of the tool. The station number either comes from the tool library on selection of the tool or you just type in the station number. The is done this way so that as you enter the tool number the length offset and the diameter offset will be automatically set.

The Correct Method of selecting and setting a Tool
When this dialog appears the first thing to do is select the tool before any other settings.

1. Select tool
2. Select Station Number (length and diameter offsite will change)

Check that the length and diameter offset are correct

3. Select material (unless already set)
4. Select coolant (unless already set)
5. Select work offset (unless already set)

Click Next.

After you have set the tool and offsets it is possible now for you to change the offsets to custom numbers rather than the same numbers if required and they will remain set.

If you edit the offsets at a later time they will stay set.

The set clearances dialog is just the same as before.

Final Z
This is the value in absolute value or the value from the selected geometry boundary of the pocket as defined by tagging the Material Top from Geometry.

Material Top From Geometry
You have the ability to select that the Z value of the pockets is from an absolute Z value or it Z value can be made the same as the selected pocket boundary geometry.

Special Warning Note:
We do also stress at this point the Z clearance plane should always be set above the clamp height or any other obstruction height on the part being machined so that when the tool rapids over the work it will always be in a clearance position for complete safety.

This next dialog shows the new technology for the roughing and finishing of the pocket.

Rough Settings

Automatic Step Over
The automatic step over can remain set once the desired step over is established. The step over is normally around 50% although this can be set to your desired amount. This can be checked by running simulation and if it is not clean the percentage can be changed without having to reselect the chain.

Step Over Distance
If you want the step over to be an exact distance just un tag the auto step over and insert the value required into the step over distance box which will not be grayed out once untagged.

Leave For Finish
This is the value for the amount that you are going to leave for the finish cut which will be performed in the next dialog.

Remove Amount
This is the total amount of material to be removed.

For example if you had a block 100 MM square and you wanted it to be a finished size of 90 MM square the remove amount would be 5mm.

Rough Depths
This is the value of the actual cut depth and is not an average anymore but rather the actual cut depth amount.

Last Cut
This is the value of the final cut on the bottom of the pocket which effectively becomes the finish cut on the bottom.

Wall Taper
Wall taper is the actual degrees of taper on the wall of the pocket.

Finish Over Ride

Adjust Finish Speeds
If you tag adjust finish speeds it will allow you to use a different feed and speed to that of the roughing.

Tagging the adjust only turns the adjustment ability on. It does not turn on the speed or feed variation. That is turned on by tagging the feed or speed tag box.

If you tag this the boxes will appear as shown. You can either enter actual values for the feed and speed or you can make it a percentage of the original feeds and speeds.

For you to use this function you may have to perform the following.

A new user with a clean installation

You will not need to do anything as the adjustment has already been made to your post.

For Existing OneCNC users
If you are an existing user and have installed this update over the top of your existing software you will need to adjust the post for this action to take place in the posting.

To take explain action further in this update information you will see a heading for Speed and Feed Adjustment.

Tool Compensation:

You have 4 choices here

This is where OneCNC will automatically offset the cutter using the radius value from the tool library and is the recommended type of compensation.

This cutter compensation passes the codes to the machine to allow full cutter comp control over the finish pass. This of course requires you to have the correct registers set in the machine control to handle this correctly.

You need to take great care in reading your machine tool handbook to ensure that you are capable of using any of the tool compensation features.

If you have any doubt whatsoever in using the cutter compensation use the automatic setting. This setting OneCNC will automatically offset for the user.

Wear (Closer)
This setting uses the automatic offset and applies the offset codes for the machine so that you can have tolerance control of the tool at your machine control for controlling tight tolerances.

Wear (Away)
This setting uses the automatic offset and applies the offset codes for the machine so that you can have tolerance control of the tool at your machine control for controlling tight tolerances.

Special Warning on the use of Wear Closer or Away

When using this feature it must be used with caution and care. It requires that you have a Zero value for the tool diameter in the control because the software is automatically off setting for the tool. The only value that you should need to use at the machine control would be the tolerance amount that you need to adjust by to hold the tolerance size you desire.

Adjusting your post to activate the Spindle Speed Variation
Just open the post you use and insert the {S} into the G01 Feed Line Format.

Entry Exit Conditions

This is the last dialog where you set the entry exit conditions. There are separate settings for entry and exit. You can have 3 styles of entry or exit.

This is where you just have a single line entry to the entry or exit

Line Line
This is where you can have Line Line entry or exit which for use in difficult areas to control the direction and method of the entry or exit. The start line length is the length of the first line of entry for which you have a start line angle that applies to it. The second line which is the lead in line also has its own angle control for this line part of the entry or exit. It is recommended that you set this and back plot and view the results until you become confident in the use of it. Any doubt just se line or line arc which is easier to use.

Line Arc
The reason there is a line and arc the compensation if any takes place on this first line before the arc as it is not possible to use the compensation directly on an arc.

New ability in the profile functions for finish of the bottom by way of last cut

New ability in the profile function with multiple cuts for roughing

New ability to customize the finish feed of the profile and speed independent to or a percentage of the roughing.

Chamfer Function

The Chamfer function now includes new independent entry exit to the cut.

Present users with stored files may need to change the entity values because this is an added feature to all previous versions.

Drill Cycles

Drilling Cycles
There is now new post ability for drilling to have X Y at first position. Some machine controls generally the less intelligent PC ones like Bosch Anilam and others require the XY position to be in the cycle even though the machine has already moved to that point.

Present users will need to edit their post to add this feature as we do not over-right the posts on installation.

Tool Change
The tool change ability in the post is now changes to have the new features as listed hereunder.

Selecting the tool number has changed. This has changed due to the now ability to have freedom of alternate offset numbers to that of the tool.

When first selecting a tool the tool number can come from the tool file if you have the numbers in there or the number can be just typed in. As you enter the tool number you will see the Height register and the Diameter register numbers automatically change simultaneously. You can then edit the register numbers independently if required and they will remain saved as those numbers for this program.

Tool Pre-Call
New ability to have a tool pre-call in the tool change to call up the next tool ready. This enables machines that are capable to have the next tool called and have it ready in the changer for a quick tool change rather than having to wait for the magazine to index.

Tool Change X Y Position before the G43
Post now has the ability for the tool change to have the X Y position before the call for tool length compensation is applied. On a new clean install all the posts have this ability added.

For existing users we do not over-ride the post so if you want to use this new ability you need to go to the tool change of the post and insert the {X} {Y} in the appropriate place.

DNC Editor
The DNC link has been modified to better suit handling and saving of large files

Extensive modification and additions for 10 languages as well as Unicode support now in the DNC editor.

The Unicode allows for the Japanese characters to be used in the notes etc in the NC program.

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